Mission: The purpose of the Sheriff’s Citizens Academy is to foster better communications between citizens and deputies through education and cooperation. A well-informed citizen is more likely to share their experience with the community as the opportunity arises. Everyone benefits from enhancing citizens understanding of the role and function of the Sheriff’s office.
Topics: Meet our leadership, introduction to Corrections, patrol tactics, emergency vehicle operations, defensive tactics, situational awareness, criminal investigations, identifying dangerous drugs, and SWAT operations.
Eligibility: Citizens who live or work in Wilson County are eligible to submit an application for review. All applicants must be at least 18 years of age and must pass a background check. There are no physical requirements.
Capacity: A maximum of 25 participants are allowed in each academy.
Cost: Absolutely FREE!!!
Upcoming Academy: September 17, 2024. We will begin accepting applications now until September 10 for Class 18.
Application: Click HERE for a fillable PDF application. Please complete all fields, print, sign, and return.
About The Academy: This is an eight-week course meeting every Tuesday from 6 pm until 9 pm. All applicants must pass a background check. There are no minimum physical requirements, every citizen that lives or works in Wilson County is welcome! This course is run by the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office to give citizens an opportunity to put themselves in officer’s shoes through interactive training by providing them with an in-depth look at our agency and the training our officers receive. This is not a program to become a sworn officer. Participants who complete the program will receive a Certification of Completion at the Citizens’ Academy Graduation.
Alumni Association: At the completion of this academy, there will be an official graduation ceremony and alumni can become eligible to join an elite group of members that support the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office through public outreach and community service. Additionally, the Alumni Association develops close contact with Citizen Academy students and graduates/provides continual awareness of community happenings and events for their members.
Any questions regarding the Alumni Association, please contact:
Academy Director: Cpl. Matt Bush (please send all applications to this email)- Email
President: Carol Shehan
Vice President: Eduardo Miller
Secretary: Suzi McCoy