Comes the undersigned Sheriff, Robert Bryan, of Wilson County, Tennessee, and pursuant to T.C.A. Section 26-5-101, would give NOTICE of the following:
A sale of the following described real property shall be held on the 7th day of December, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. on the steps of the Wilson County Courthouse, 228 East Main Street, Lebanon, TN 37087, for the purpose of paying indebtedness owed to Wilson Bank & Trust in the original principal amount of $11,411.54, said Judgment filed of record in Book 2145, Page 521, Register’s Office of Wilson County, Tennessee, and to pay the sum of $54,950.43 to Liberty State Bank as evidence by a Judgment of record in Book 2233, Page 1307, Register’s Office of Wilson County, Tennessee. The proceeds from the sale of the real property of Charles Turner, Defendant, shall be disbursed as follows:
- The expenses associated with the sale, including any Sheriff’s fee;
- The Wilson Bank & Trust Judgment referred to above will be paid in full;
- The Judgment owing to Liberty State Bank, which exact amount will be provided to the Sheriff on the date of sale;
- The balance, if any, of the sale’s price will be paid to the defendant, Charles Turner.