WCSO Sheriff and SROs Now Taking Applications for Conflict-Resolution Camp in July


WCSO Sheriff and SROs Now Taking Applications for Conflict-Resolution Camp in July

Sheriff Robert Bryan and the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office SROs are taking applications now for a week-long, half-day camp to help students learn to cope with bullying and problems such as spotting potential online predators to peaceful conflict-resolution.

“The goal of the camp is to help our young people manage possible problems they are faced with on a daily basis, both in and out of school,” Sheriff Robert Bryan said. “Our young people today face so many more problems in a technologically savvy world than many of us faced in school. Our SRO Team wants to provide students with the tools they need to learn how to maturely manage problems and build self-confidence while avoiding becoming victims.”

Instruction areas will include such topics as: bullying; online predators; drug/alcohol awareness; confidence building, team-building exercises; a tour of the jail and examination of the juvenile court system.

The classes will be held from 8-11 a.m. July 25-29 for 25 qualifying students. Eligibility requirements include any male or female with a good disciplinary school record and good attendance record. Any male or female going into grades 6th through the 8th for the 2016-2017 school year will be considered.

The cost is free to any qualifying students. For more information, please contact your school’s SRO or the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office.

Note: The WCSO SRO school camp is not associated with Wilson County Schools.